GPI anchoring leads to endocytic retention in the pericentriolar REC
FR‐GPI and GPI‐anchored decay accelerating factor (DAF) are extensively co‐localized with TfR in the REC as previously observed by horseradish peroxidase (HRP)‐mediated quenching and immunoelectron microscopy (EM) methodologies, respectively (
Mayor et al., 1998). Despite this extensive co‐localization, a significant fraction of the internalized GPI‐AP pool is consistently separate from TfR (
Mayor et al., 1998). Accumulation of GPI‐APs in GEECs (S.Sabharanjak and S.Mayor, in preparation) provides an explanation for the lack of co‐localization of a fraction of internalized GPI‐APs with TfR‐containing endosomes (
Mayor et al., 1998). This fraction of GPI‐APs co‐localizes with fluid‐phase markers but not with Tf or low‐density lipoproteins (LDLs) that are internalized into sorting endosomes (data not shown).
To identify the rate‐limiting step in the recycling of GPI‐APs to the cell surface, we measured the rates of exit of GPI‐APs from the GEECs and the REC (
Figure 1). As described by
Mayor et al. (1998), the rate of approach to steady state is a measure of the rate of exit from a kinetically defined compartment. Therefore, we measured the rate of approach to steady state of internalized FR‐ GPI ligand,
l‐lysine (PLR), in the REC and the GEECs, identified as described in Materials and methods. The amount of FR‐GPI, as measured by the extent of PLR fluorescence in the peripheral GEECs (
Figure 1A and
B; arrows), remained unchanged between the 20 and 60 min time points, whereas there was a dramatic increase in PLR fluorescence in the REC between the 20 and 60 min time points (
Figure 1A and
B; arrowheads). Kinetic analyses of these data show that FR‐GPI reaches steady state in the GEECs much earlier than in the REC (
Figure 1E). The kinetics of exit of FR‐GPI from the GEECs and the REC are well described as a first‐order process (
Figure 1E, lines represent the theoretical fit;
R ≥0.98), although we can not rule out undetected contributions from additional processes. The
t1/2 of exit from the GEECs is ∼13 min (
ke 0.05 min
−1) while that from the REC is ∼30 min (
ke 0.022 min
−1) (
Figure 1F). Since the
t1/2 for recycling of FR‐GPI to the cell surface measured in the same experiment is also 30 min (
ke 0.023 min
Figure 1F, see also
Table II), these data show that the rate‐limiting step in the recycling of the internalized GPI‐APs is their exit from REC. The slow rate of recycling of GPI‐APs results in the accumulation of GPI‐APs in the REC for extended times, confirming that GPI‐APs are sorted/segregated from other recycling membrane components in the REC.
To examine whether this manifestation of endocytic sorting, namely retention in the REC, is mediated by the presence of the GPI anchor, we compared the extent of accumulation of FR‐GPI and two isoforms of FR, FR‐TM and FR‐TA, lacking the GPI anchor. FR‐TM has the folate‐binding portion fused to the transmembrane region of the Fc receptor and the cytoplasmic tail of the LDL receptor (
Varma and Mayor, 1998), and FR‐TA bears the same transmembrane and cytoplasmic tail region as FR‐TM but has three critical tyrosines mutated to alanine, rendering it incapable of being recognized by a cytoplasmic sorting machinery (
Matter et al., 1993). As described above and shown in
Figure 2A, FR‐GPI continues to accumulate in TfR‐containing REC, while the distribution and amount of internalized transferrin (Tf) bound to TfR has already reached a steady state by 20 min (
Mayor et al., 1993). On the other hand, FR‐TM and FR‐TA traffic in a morphologically and kinetically identical manner to TfR; there is no change in the amount and distribution of internalized PLR bound to FR‐TM (
Figure 2B) and FR‐TA (data not shown) with respect to endocytosed Tf bound to its receptor. These data show that retention in the REC in preference to other recycling membrane proteins requires the presence of a GPI anchor.
Endocytic retention is relieved upon depletion of sphingolipids
To determine whether sphingolipids play a role in the endocytic retention of GPI‐APs, we used a well characterized sphingolipid synthesis inhibitor, FB
1, which inhibits sphingosine
N‐acyltransferase (
Figure 3;
Wang et al., 1991;
Mays et al., 1995;
Stevens and Tang, 1997), to alter sphingolipid levels in cells. FB
1 treatment does not affect cell viability, and lipid analyses of FB
1‐treated cells show that there is a reduction in the amount of all major sphingolipid classes without affecting cholesterol levels relative to the untreated controls (
Table I). Growing FRαTb‐1 cells in the presence of FB
1 resulted in the loss of endocytic retention of FR‐GPI (
Figure 4A; compare filled and open circles); FR‐GPI was recycled to the cell surface at a rate similar to the rate of TfR recycling (
t1/2 ∼6–8 min), without significantly altering its rate of internalization (
Table II). Addition of short‐chain ceramide,
d‐sphingosine (C
6‐ceramide), to FB
1‐treated cells in the continuous presence of FB
1 restored the rate of FR‐GPI recycling to control levels (
Figure 4B; open squares), along with a restoration of sphingolipid levels (
Table I).
1 treatment leads to a build‐up of sphinganines with a concomitant decrease in ceramide levels (
Wang et al., 1991; see also
Figure 3). Either of these changes could affect signal transduction pathways in cells (
Hannun, 1994) leading to an alteration in the kinetics of endocytic processes (
Chen et al., 1995). Therefore, we used a different drug,
d‐threo‐1‐phenyl‐2‐decanoylamino‐ 3‐morpholino‐1‐propanol (PDMP), which specifically blocks synthesis of a large class of sphingolipids, the glycosphingolipids (
Inokuchi and Radin, 1987;
Inokuchi et al., 1990), resulting in the accumulation of a different set of sphingolipid precursors from that found after FB
1 treatment (
Felding‐Habermann et al., 1990). PDMP treatment also leads to acceleration in the rate of FR‐GPI recycling (
Figure 4D and
Table II). In another approach we tested whether the rate of FR‐GPI recycling was restored to control levels in FB
1‐treated cells supplemented with a sphingolipid,
dl‐erythro‐dihydrosphingosine (NPDS). The naturally occurring
erythro isomers of dihydroceramides or their metabolites are incapable of mediating signaling activity in cells (
Bielawska et al., 1993;
Hannun, 1994;
Chen et al., 1995). NPDS restores the rate of FR‐GPI recycling to that in control cells (
Figure 4B; open triangles). These data suggest that sphingolipid signaling is unlikely to be involved in regulation of endocytic retention of FR‐GPI. However, since sphingolipid intermediates involved in signaling may remain uncharacterized, we can not rule out this possibility altogether.
To rule out further that the loss in endocytic retention of FR‐GPI is due to secondary effects of using sphingolipid‐depleting drugs, and that the restoration of retention is a result of uncharacterized signaling properties of exogenous sphingolipid analogs, we examined the recycling of FR‐GPI in a cell line, LY‐B, mutant for the serine palmitoyl transferase enzyme (
Hanada et al., 1998; see
Figure 3). LY‐B cells do not accumulate any known signaling‐competent sphingolipid precursors, as the block is in the first step of sphingolipid biosynthesis. These cells are unable to make the sphingoid base from endogenous sources, and therefore rely on serum‐derived lipids to supplement their sphingolipid pools (
Hanada et al., 1998). Growing cells in sphingolipid‐deficient medium for 48 h leads to sphingolipid levels that are 85% lower than in wild‐type cells or cells supplied with exogenous sources of sphingolipid, without affecting cell viability or the content of other major phospholipids (
Hanada et al., 1998) and cholesterol (
Fukasawa et al., 2000). The rates of FR‐GPI recycling in sphingolipid‐replete and sphingolipid‐ deficient conditions were measured in LY‐B cell lines expressing FR‐GPI. In cells grown under sphingolipid‐deficient conditions, recycling of FR‐GPI occurred with a
t1/2 of 6–8 min, as compared with 27 min in cells grown under conditions that restore normal levels of the lipid (
Figure 4C and
D). In contrast, the change in the rate of FR‐GPI internalization in LY‐B cells was relatively insignificant upon sphingolipid depletion: cells depleted of sphingolipids internalized FR‐GPI ∼1.3‐fold more quickly than replete cells. Thus, the loss of endocytic retention of FR‐GPI is not due to secondary effects of the drug treatments, and its restoration by addition of exogenous lipids is unlikely to be due to activation of signaling pathways.
To test whether sphingolipid depletion affects recycling of other GPI‐APs, we determined the rate of DAF recycling in an FB
1‐treated DAF‐expressing CHO cell line, DAFTb‐1 (
Mayor et al., 1998). The rate of DAF recycling was accelerated upon treatment with FB
1 without substantially affecting the rate of internalization of DAF (
Figure 5;
Table II), confirming that the effect of sphingolipid depletion on endocytic retention of FR‐GPI is not specific to the type of GPI‐AP molecule being studied.
To ensure that FB
1 treatment or addition of exogenous ceramides to FB
1‐treated cells did not result in any qualitative alteration in the endocytic pathway of the FR‐GPI, we analyzed the co‐localization of endocytosed FR‐GPI with internalized TfR.
Figure 6 shows that endocytosed FR‐GPI and TfR were extensively co‐localized in the REC in untreated (A and B), FB
1‐treated (C and D) or C
6‐ceramide‐replenished cells (E and F). PDMP treatment or growth of the LY‐B cell line under conditions of sphingolipid depletion did not affect co‐localization of FR‐GPI and TfR in the REC either (data not shown). The majority of internalized FR‐GPI and TfR were co‐localized in the REC, showing that upon alteration of sphingolipid levels, exit from the REC remains the rate‐limiting step in recycling. These data together show that reduction in sphingolipid levels results in the loss of endocytic retention of GPI‐APs in the REC; replenishment of sphingolipids results in a restoration of endocytic retention.